DIRECT PAVING is a professional driveway & landscaping company with years of experience providing unrivalled driveway services. We are a friendly, professional and trustworthy driveway company with a passion for delivering high standards at affordable prices in Belfast and surrounding areas. Focusing on providing high-quality driveway services. DIRECT PAVING is always on hand to offer the best advice which is backed up by high-quality workmanship.

We are accustomed to both residential and commercial work and are proud of being a driveway & landscaping company you can put your trust into, with excellent reviews and quality service. No matter the size of your driveway or patio, we can help, from the smallest landscaping job to the largest commercial project, we can ensure our team will provide the best possible work on every single job. Please call DIRECT PAVING on 028 9422 9808 or 07842942903 for further information. All free no-obligation quotes are subject to a 14-day cooling-off period.

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paving belfast
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